Thursday, July 4, 2019

Merce + Summer Treats

It's not always clothes around here! We are excited to bring you (hopefully) helpful tips and entertainment through our blog, as well as children's clothing related entries.

It's the 4th of July, and we are all about celebrating Independence Day!  Our day always starts with a local fishing derby at 0430...which is SO EARLY.  We make sure to do any cooking the day before because no one is any good by dinner time. 😂 One of our favorite treats for the 4th of July (and every other day) is Fruit Pizza.  The best part, other than it's yummy goodness, is that the kids can pretty much make it themselves! At least they can do the hard parts.

We start with a package of premade cookie dough....if they don't have the tubes, you can just get the package of individual cookies and roll them into one piece. We use a pizza stone for this (and just about everything else! This pizza stone is VERY well-loved). 

I have discovered it's much easier to generously flour the stone and the top of the dough as you roll it out. I've also discovered that I cannot roll dough of any kind into a circle. I have to roll it into a rectangle-type shape and then form it into a circle with my hands.

Don't forget to poke it several times with a fork before baking!
Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 16-20 min (depending on how done or chewy you like yours) or until light golden brown.

While it's baking start the "sauce"'s just half a block of softened cream cheese (4 oz), 1 tsp  vanilla, 2 TBSP sugar, and a container of Cool Whip. Beat the cream cheese, vanilla and sugar until well mixed and then carefully fold in the Cool Whip. 

Let your crust cool and then spread with your cream cheese 'sauce'. This is when it gets fun for the kiddos.  We grabbed in season fruit + cans of mandarin oranges; they cleaned and chopped the fruit and drained the oranges. 

Look closely back there at the, not the side with the magnets and school schedules from 2016, the front! We use dry erase markers to record the weekly menu. No more kiddos incessantly asking what's for dinner. Now they ask, and we just point to the fridge. Don't even have to say a word. If there were a Nobel for parent hacks, we'd be in the running for sure. 
I'm also proud to say, that I stepped away from my helicopter momming, and let them cut together, on the same cutting board, with real knives. And no one got hurt.  Also, see that cutting board? It's FABULOUS,  the Old Burl over at The Knotty Burl made it for me. Also, the Old Burl is my husband. It's an amazing situation because I get all the prototypes of new items.

Anyhow, check out these knife skills. Merce cuts fat chunks, Jax cuts paper thin slices. That sums up their personalities perfectly. 

We ended up with some GIANT blueberries, blackberries they cut in half, the drained mandarin oranges, and inconsistently sliced strawberries. Those blackberries were just gorgeous. 

All they have to do now is arrange the fruit and voila! Pizza is served! And since it's fruit....leftovers for breakfast are perfectly acceptable. Right?  

Clearly they (we) started eating before I remembered to get a picture. Oopsie. But this way you can see the thickness of the cookie crust that we like.  This is definitely one of our most frequently made treats for summer. Mostly because the oven time is pretty limited and its nice and cool to eat! 

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